Plan and Budget Turning Your Extra Space into Usable Space

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So you’re ready to turn your extra space into usable space the whole family can enjoy. Maybe you’ve been dreaming of creating the ultimate entertainment room or an awesome game room. Perhaps a playroom for the kids, or guest room for family and friends? Whatever you dream of transforming your extra space into, turning your dream into a reality will require some solid planning. But now that you’ve taken the first steps toward creating something you’ve always wanted, it’s time to develop a plan.

To really make this project a reality you can’t just start it - you need to actually finish it! Completing a big home remodeling project, from start to finish, can be tough, especially if you haven’t taken the time to really plan everything out in detail.

To keep your project on track and ensure that it is completed when and how you want, it’s important to make budgeting and planning a priority. While these steps are not as fun as enjoying your favorite form of entertainment, or a family game room, they are an essential part of turning that extra space in your home into a place you and your family will love and enjoy!

Modern garage interior with fun family play room with hockey table

Setting a Budget

No matter what type of home remodeling project you begin, budgeting and planning are the key elements you’ll need to successfully finish it. This is especially true if your next renovation project is turning extra space in your home into an entertainment room. The good news is that there are a few simple steps you can take to ensure your project is completed on time and within your budget.

Determine your needs

The first step in setting your project budget is to figure out what you absolutely need to complete your project. This should include all of the essential items and expenses, including hiring any home service professionals you might need to help you along the way

Determine your wants

Next, create a wish list of items you would like to include in your home remodel, but could live without if needed. These are your wants, so this will be the most flexible part of your budget. This is because anything on your wants list can be removed or changed to reduce expenses if necessary to keep your project on track.

Determine costs for materials and labor

With both your needs and wants lists in hand, it’s now time to gather the exact cost of all material and labor required to complete the project. Don’t leave anything out – even small expenses can add up in a hurry.

Get bids from multiple service providers

An important part of setting your budget should be requesting bids from several different service providers. Whether your entertainment room is in an unfinished basement or elsewhere, chances are you’ll need a bit of everything to complete it: electrical work, plumbing, painting, or other services. Just make sure to evaluate each bid carefully. Review and confirm with each contractor what work or services is included.

You may be surprised at how different each bid can be, based on what is and isn’t included. The last thing you want is to hire someone who left important costs out of their bid and then tries to add extra charges to your bill. Also, don’t be afraid to ask questions and request referrals. Avoid anyone who is vague or annoyed if you ask for clarification on something. Finally, make sure that anyone you hire is willing to stand behind their work.

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Setting a Timeline

Along with budgeting, the other key element of a successful home renovation project is establishing a timeline for your project. As a general rule, the longer a project takes, the more it will cost. So, by knowing how long each step should take before you start, you can more easily manage and budget the different stages of your project.

Determine what needs to be done, and in what order

A key part of your remodeling plan is knowing the order in which the work should be done. To do so, it is helpful to break the project down into individual steps. For example, you may want to simply include a numbered list of items (first, second, third, etc.) that starts wherever you want it to. This could consist of gathering bids or making hiring or design decisions. Your list should also include each step of the actual renovation, from demolition (if any) to finishing touches.

Determine specific dates

Along with clearly listing out the steps you’ll need to finish your project, it’s also important to determine and include the specific dates each one of these steps should be completed. Not only will having specific deadlines help you stay on top of the work, but it might encourage your home service providers to honor the deadlines they give you, as well.

Clear your Schedule

Finally, any large home remodeling project will take time. Even if you plan to hire others to do most of the work for you, you’ll still need to have enough room in your schedule to devote to overseeing and finishing the project. If possible, choose to start your home entertainment room renovation when you won’t have other major time commitments competing for your attention.

Contact Neighborly for Help

Now that you know how to budget and plan your home renovation project, it’s a good time to look for dedicated home services professionals who can help you make your project a complete success. At Neighborly, we work hard to be your first stop for all the trusted home service professionals you’ll need to build the entertainment room of your dreams. You can learn more about us and our network of home services brands by visiting

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